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Static Websites

With Less, getting static websites to your global audience is easier than ever. Just add your site content to the less/statics/ directory and deploy!

─ less
└─ statics
└─ demo-website
└─ developer-documentation-website

Less will create a unique URL for each of your websites.

Create your static website directory

Less can deploy several static websites in the same project. Just add your static site contents to the /less/statics/ folder and deploy.

mkdir -p less/statics/demo-website

Create your site content

touch less/statics/demo-website/index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
<script src="script.js"></script>

You can easily migrate your React app or any other static site by simply adding the site content to the /less/statics directory. Here's an example of building a React app for Less:

BUILD_PATH='less/statics/demo-website' react-scripts build

Deploy your static website

In order to deploy your static content, execute less-cli deploy --static with your application name.

npx deploy --static my-less-project

Once the deployment is complete you will be able to find your website URL under Resources in the output:

[less-cli] Deployment complete ✅
[less-cli] Resources
[less-cli] - Websites URLs
[less-cli] - http://[PROJECT_NAME]-[WEBSITE_NAME]
[less-cli] 🇨🇻

Custom Domain

Less also allows you to configure your DNS settings in order to use a custom domain with your static websites. Use the following command to get new NS records for your custom domain:

npx domains --project-name PROJECT_NAME --static-name STATIC_NAME --custom-domain CUSTOM_DOMAIN

For example, if we want to use a custom domain for the demo-website website in our my-less-project application, we can use the following command:

npx domains --project-name my-less-project --static-name demo-website --custom-domain

Resulting in the following example output:

[less-cli] Connecting to the Less Server...
[less-cli] NS Records
(index)type │ name │ value │

Add the NS records to your DNS provider and wait for the DNS to propagate.


Most DNS updates take effect within an hour, but could take up to 48 hours to update globally.

Less Static Websites Documentation

Read the Less static websites documentation to learn more.